“I help professionals overcome emotional dysregulation, stress and anxiety and boost mental clarity, focus and resilience to improve performance.”

Gain skills and knowledge to empower yourself to victory over your stress and self-doubt as a result of a high performing and demanding career. Build lifelong tools that will improve your resilience and performance in life, the work place, or in the arena. Cultivate the habits, mechanics, and beliefs to succeed.

Stress, anxiety and self-belief challenges dysregulate the nervous system, impact our breathing habits and cause us to lose mental clarity and calmness.

I’ll help you build the tools and habits that achieve a state of mental, emotional and physical wellness that optimises mental clarity, resilience and self-belief to perform and feel at your best.

Optimise Body Health

The way you breathe affects every system, organ and cell in you body. Improve the systems of the body through strategies that help you become more resilient to your stress response, boost immunity, and provide efficient energy delivery to your bodies systems.

Peak Mind Performance

Improve sleep quality, emotional control, and mental clarity by enhancing your bodies chemistry to perform clear headed, be present, and at your best under pressure, through proven and safe methods that to achieve peak performance.

Take control of your Nervous System

We’ve all suffered with imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and trauma at some point. Learn how these influence stress in the mind and body, and how to regulate your nervous system to break through mental barriers and optimise decision making.

Access Knowledge, Techniques and Ongoing Support

Personalised breathwork practices and techniques to fit into your current schedule. Guidance and support, at all times.

Breakthrough your Stress, Build Resilience, and Sustain High Performance.

Join my 8-week program now!

“Start Transforming your stress, anxiety and self-doubt into clarity, focus and calm in just 8 Weeks!

Initial consultation: to assess your tailored needs, breathing mechanics, answer any questions, and begin designing a program that is tailored towards your specific goals.

One-on-One Sessions: six times 30 minutes each, and two times 60 minute sessions for eight weeks. These session’s will be used to develop techniques, review progress, set new goals, and adjust our strategies where required.

Daily Practices: incorporate your tailored breathwork practices into your daily routine - using guided 10-20 minute sessions. Start to make a difference to your life with the flexibility to fit them into your schedule without overwhelm.

Limiting Beliefs: Let’s get those underlying thoughts that have been holding you back and impacting your ability to perform with confidence, using our breakthrough breathwork approach.

Integration: Integrate all you learn into your current schedule, using the techniques designed in this program specifically for you. Learn how to take what you learn and enhance your performance beyond this program.

Here What our Valued Clients have to say.

As a former C-suite executive, I’ve been deeply entrenched in the cognitive world. It's brought me a lot of success, and therapy has helped me to reach a point, but it was only going to take me so far. I'd learnt pranayama at yoga retreats but hadn't experienced or understood the benefits of implementing performance based techniques into my daily routine. 

I found Paul’s program both insightful and profoundly beneficial. His support in adjusting and improving my breathing mechanics, and expert guidance in implementing techniques into my daily routine, tailored based on my progress each week kept me motivated. 

His calm and thorough explanations put me at ease from the get-go. Knowing what to expect was reassuring, especially for someone like me who loves understanding the ins and outs of everything.

I knew coming into this that I was carrying a lot of tension, however, during the program I was able to identify the areas and learn how to release them. Being able to quickly quieten my mind from a million thoughts provides me with greater clarity and focus, and new found energy. 

This breathwork program unveiled a new way of connecting with myself beyond my thoughts and intellect. It was more than I anticipated, profound beyond words, and I can’t recommend Expansive Breath enough.

Ann Luong, Chief Marketing Officer.

My qualifications Include:

  • Masters in Management

  • BA (Hons) Sport and Science

  • Breath Science Practitioner (ongoing)

  • Oxygen Advantage Functional Instructor

  • Yogalap Breathwork Instructor

  • Trauma Informed Coach

  • Embodied Processing Practitioner (ongoing)

Meet your Coach

Above I’ve provided the foundations, now I would like to share a little bit about who I am, and for simplicity have split up into four phases:

Phase 1: The Young Aspiring Professional Basketball Player and Academic

Combining professional sport and academia is never easy, this required a lot of discipline, motivation and focus. From the classroom to the basketball court, I was able to find my balance in a way that brought me success. Graduating Durham University with a BA (Hons) Degree, and Masters, while also finding success on the basketball court in the way of Sportsman of the Year at University, Honoury Life Time Member, National Basketball Player of the Year, League Titles, Playoff Championships, and at one point honoured to wear the uniform of my country.

Phase 2: Ten Year Corporate professional

The transition from professional sport to corporate world can be complex and eye-opening, one day you’re playing basketball for a living and the next you’re thrown into the deep end to project manage an acquisition project and data migration at one of Australia’s biggest Telco’s, and then to spend the next ten years honing your crafts and building a career in software engineering as a Lead.

Phase 3: A Blindside that Changed Everything

The tragic loss of my partner to suicide in 2019 resulted in the biggest challenges I’ve ever faced. Before then, I lived with challenges like you all when driving for success - self-doubt, ‘am I good enough’, bits of stress and anxiety always crept in, and limiting beliefs that had been shaped since entering this world lingered. However, after December, 2019 - I found myself completely broken, it was like I was starting from scratch again. All the strength I had went into navigating my loss and the lost freedom we all experienced during covid. I was surviving work and daily life but I wanted, or even needed, to get better and held curiosity on how I could overcome my challenges of: chronic stress; anxiety, complex PTSD and trauma; and bouts of depression.

Phase 4: The Breathwork Coach

Then came breathwork. It would be no surprise that to be able to support others, I would first have to overcome my own challenges. This is what I spent four years doing, I educated myself in Trauma (this is what underpins the majority of our challenges in my experience), anxiety and stress, the Mind and Body connection, the nervous system, and Breathwork. I developed myself through the certifications mentioned above and practical experience gained over the last 12 months. I continue to expand my knowledge and implementation to ensure I am providing safe, proven and effective coaching methods.


  • The investment for this coaching program is currently offered at $2,200AUD + GST (where applicable) for the full eight weeks when paid upfront. It can be split into two payments of $1,250 for a total of $2,500AUD + GST (where applicable).

  • This depends on your willingness to invest in yourself. At a foundation, the program consists of six weekly 30 minute sessions and two 60 minute breakthrough sessions. You should expect to commit a minimum of 10-20 minutes per day to complete your daily breathwork practices. For some it works to create new habits loops, or habit stack the practices as not to introduce overwhelm, for others, they like to strategically fit sessions around their calendars or family life. There is always a way to introduce new healthy habits, and as a part of this program we will discover which way is most efficient for you.

  • Our coaching practices and sessions include:

    - Functional Breathing Techniques to optimise breathing patterns, improve clarity and focus, and enhance sleep.

    - Performance based breathing techniques for stress and anxiety resilience.

    - Upregulating techniques to safely shift the body into a sympathetic state where we can process trapped energy, emotions and limiting beliefs.

    - Nervous System and Emotional Regulation techniques to promote mental and emotional balance.

    - Calming and soothing meditation sessions, balanced with deactivating breathwork techniques that connect mind and body.

  • We use two methods known as body oxygen level test (BOLT), and maximum breathlessness test (MBT).

    BOLT measures the body's sensitivity to the gas carbon dioxide, it's an important test to measure the health of your functional breathing patterns and assess how your breath could be impacting your overall health.

    MBT measures how long you can hold your breath for, this test signifies the quality of your everyday breathing and influence on anaerobic performance.

  • Have you ever heard the saying "the body keeps the score"?

    Throughout life, we are exposed to various external stimuli and experiences that influence the fluidity and regulation of our nervous system. I'm about to use a word that often carries a lot of stigma: trauma.

    Trauma frequently underlies many of our life challenges. While we often associate trauma with something significant, severe, or catastrophic, this isn't always the case. Trauma shapes who you are today, encompassing a range of beliefs and emotional imprints that have been with you and developed since birth. Feelings of comparison over time can lead to lack of self-worth, or imposter syndrome - such as thinking "I'm not good enough for this role", or difficulties in creating healthy new habits - stem from trauma.

    Trauma is neither inherently good nor bad. Resolving trauma involves finding ways to repair our nervous system, and our response to stress and overwhelm, which helps calm the mind and body, paving the way for resilience and growth.

  • We are committed to your progress and take every effort to ensure your satisfaction, and that you get the most out of the program.

    This partnership requires effort and accountability from both parties to get the maximum results.

    Therefore, if you have been accountable, showed up to all of your sessions and implemented the daily practices, and aren't seeing results, you have the option to apply for a refund for the remaining duration of the program.

    For example, if there is four weeks remaining and you have paid upfront, you will be entitled to a refund of $1,100.

Are you ready to make an ever lasting impact on your life.

Transformation is just a few clicks away, and initial consultation is completely free!