Transformational Breathwork.

  • What a client had to say

    “I fel connected with my body like never before. For days after I felt rejuvenated with a sense of purpose and energy. I’d recommend Paul’s sessions for relaxation, stress management and deeper healing”.

    Adam, United Kingdom

Tailored Transformational Package

Transformational Breathwrok is an approach to self-discovery and well-being that focuses on the conscious and intentional control of one’s breath to promote physical, mental, and emotional healing. .

Through this practice and journey, you can access trauma, subconscious beliefs and blockages by safely activating both the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous systems, quietening the analytical mind, and gently processing and releasing trapped trauma and emotions, helping us let go and feel inspired to overcome fear, blockages, stress and anxiety.

Who’s this package for:

This package is perfect for anyone who wants to clear the mind and open the energy systems, strengthen and balance the nervous system, release stored tension and trauma, increase body awareness, and gain insight into their thought patterns and emotional responses.

This is a six week package, where we will run Transformational session bi-weekly, and you will be provided resources to practice in your own time (see inclusions).


Breatwork has been linked to nervous system regulation, trauma release, belief clearing, mood and emotional regulation, increased insight and clarity, inner peace and contentment, and less reactivity to stress. 


  • Three Transformational Sessions - tailored to your specific needs.

  • Assessment of your current breathing mechanics, with a video explainer of how to shift from dysfunctional breathing to functional breathing.

  • Two guided audio breathwork sessions to support you in increasing energy, improving focus and clarity, and enhancing sleep.

Session Style: 90 minutes online via Zoom

Session Types: Private 1:1

  • What clients have to say

    “Before the session, I had been experiencing a lot of confusion and discomfort. Paul walked me through the process thoroughly so I felt safe. For something so difficult for me, Paul made it easy to work through. I am still receiving benefits from the session, a week later. I am so grateful for Paul and the space he holds for others to heal.”

    Ash, USA

  • What clients have to say

    “I was able to fully surrender and freely experience the depth of the process, leaving me at awe of what’s possible. Grateful for the sincere space that Paul holds for this work and his support with it.”

    Jana, Australia

  • What clients have to say

    “I felt so calm and clear headed after the sessions, and had a very productive and focussed afternoon. Paul created a warm and welcoming space and I appreciated the explanations of breathwork and it’s history and benefits.

    Anita, Australia

  • What clients have to say

    "During the session, I felt an amazing shift in my body. I felt a lot lighter and a strong sense of grounding after the session, and my heart felt more open. I really didn’t know just how much I needed it."

    Claire, Australia